Sunday, March 26, 2017

Why Sweden is absolutely Pwning Australia

Multiculturalism is great. 
It lets us respect other cultures and customs and co-exist happily, maybe learning from some and providing an example for others.

Like, let's say.... benefits after childbirth. 

Pictured: Swedish dads

The Swedish parental scheme encourages both mother and fathers to take up to 90 weeks of paid parental leave. It's paid at 80% of their salary for the first 78 weeks, then goes back to the minimum wage. This leave doesn't even have to be consecutive - it can be used any time up until their child turns eight. In a pro-active push for higher father involvement in these early stages, the men are offered three months which they can take or leave. 

What does Australia have to offer?

The primary carer (more often than not - mother dearest) gets 18 weeks at minimum wage. If you're a dad, you can have two weeks. 

Pictured: the Government hitting Aussies where it hurts

Saturday, March 25, 2017

IVF: I'm Very Flustered

This post isn't going to be too informative, but more of a vent. 

So this week, I attended an IVF information session during the week at like 10am and it's fortunate I work rotating shifts because otherwise I would have had to have taken time of work and I'm not the kind of person who likes doing that. As someone I work with pointed out, technically I could use my sick or annual leave because it's a specialist sort of appointment but I feel like a jerk if I cut out on my work friends when I'm not actually sick. 

As it was, I was the only person there who didn't bring their partner which made me wonder if they all work shifts or what they did to escape the workplace. My husband would have been at work but as it happened he had the day off on account of being horribly sick so he missed it anyway. 

Not that it really mattered, this was pretty much what happened in the session. 

Not the traditional method of getting information to the brain but...

So it was just as well it was only me taking notes because there's no point in us both being brain exhausted. 
It also gave me a chance to people-watch, something I like to do occasionally. 
All the men looked so grave. I have to say it. They held their partners around the shoulder or laid their hands on top of hers. I felt like I was invading at a funeral or something. These people looked delicate, wrought and tired. No one looked optimistic but they had the giggles every now and then. 
I was afraid that one of these women was going to fall apart dramatically, which thankfully did not happen. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Baby Expo or Baby Expos'e?

Baby Expo or Baby Expos'e?

One tiger's perspective of the Baby expo phenomenon. 

So the other weekend I went to a baby and parenting expo - partially to work a stall and partially to suss out the scene. And another partially to try and score free stuff - whoo!
I've been to job conventions, anime contentions, pop culture conventions, music conventions... and they've mostly been push and shove - you fall down and you're on your own buddy, I've gotta get first in line and get those free pens!
Ain't no-one got space-time fo' dat

I was even expecting a parental pissing contest as seen below. 

This gif is life itself

Strangely, it was nothing like that, everyone was really nice and respectful, babies looked at me and didn't scream or puke, vendors were friendly and not in your face... it was like visiting Mars.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Prolactin Problems!

Hi all, I know it's been a while before posts but hubby and I have had our brains so chock full of baby-info that we're all just lucky I was able to function enough to turn my computer on and find the darn keyboard. 

So - Prolactin! What the hell is it and why have I never heard about it until now?

If you're like me and like text book definitions: 

Prolactin (PRL), also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that is best known for its role in enabling mammals, usually females, to produce milk. It is influential in over 300 separate processes in various vertebrates, including humans.[4] Prolactin is secreted from the pituitary gland in response to eating, mating, estrogen treatment, ovulation and nursing. Prolactin is secreted in pulses in between these events. Prolactin plays an essential role in metabolism, regulation of the immune system and pancreatic development.

Thanks, Wikipedia! Buddy ol' pal! 

So it's basically a milk hormone that us females have schemed up to dastardly take on the milk formula giants..

Wait, that's not a text book definition, or even a dumbed down one... but it does give me a good idea for a dramatic movie... 

Anyway, I'm talking about Prolactin because apparently I have a problem with it.