In the space of three-four weeks, we have not only had my cousin's latest kid with his newest squeeze (have lost track of how many he actually has now) my other cousin's also had a baby - this was a surprise baby but a welcome surprise, another relative overseas has had another child and now, my sister.
Today - I have finally met this baby.
Yep, between a delayed whooping cough booster vaccine, getting the flu and my crazy work hours.. this I have finally got around to. I'm glad I did.
I've been such a mess of emotions about this. I admit that I had happy tears in my eyes when I was sent the first photo after her birth after seeing how beautiful she was, how great that everything went smoothly and now being an aunt for the first time by blood, followed by grief tears later on because I don't know if I'll ever know this joy for a child of my own.
The time gap didn't help, I felt like a dick for not being able to visit them in hospital but knowing that because I was sick the best thing for everyone was for me to stay far, far away. As well as that, I didn't want to swamp the new parents, who I imagine are going to be tired, and flooded with visitation requests and messages.
So today we did the pop-in (after calling first, because we're polite), everyone was relaxed, the baby was sleeping.. occasionally doing poop face and throwing up rock hands and complex gang signs that I wouldn't have believed possible for someone of her age but there you go.
After waking up and a diaper change - I got to hold her. She was okay for a bit, but then realised I wasn't her mother and freaked out. Brief, yet official first aunty cuddle.
She poked me in the nose with her bear claw like nails but I didn't mind. After all, it was a pretty good shot for someone who has yet to learn hand-eye co-ordination properly.
Today - I have finally met this baby.
Yep, between a delayed whooping cough booster vaccine, getting the flu and my crazy work hours.. this I have finally got around to. I'm glad I did.
I'm trying to stay positive but it's like being told not to think about/worry about something.. and then it's all you can see/hear/think about.
The time gap didn't help, I felt like a dick for not being able to visit them in hospital but knowing that because I was sick the best thing for everyone was for me to stay far, far away. As well as that, I didn't want to swamp the new parents, who I imagine are going to be tired, and flooded with visitation requests and messages.

After waking up and a diaper change - I got to hold her. She was okay for a bit, but then realised I wasn't her mother and freaked out. Brief, yet official first aunty cuddle.
She poked me in the nose with her bear claw like nails but I didn't mind. After all, it was a pretty good shot for someone who has yet to learn hand-eye co-ordination properly.
She got given to my husband - official baby calmer, child whisperer and all around niece/nephew wrangler - which was very cute also. I regret that I didn't get a photo of this but with Christmas coming up I'm sure there will be plenty of time for more photographic cuddles.
It was good to see my sister take to motherhood so naturally. Well, I'm not saying I didn't have faith in her
After this we went to our friends house to drop off a Christmas pressie for their wee toddler. Their house was chaos at the time we arrived but when it calmed down we got to chatting and showing off our happy snaps which was great because I think my buddy appreciated the baby photos as much as we did.
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