Alright, so I was all ready to make an apology post to the fertility clinic because when I visited them last month to get my baggy of drugs and sit through a stabby tutorial (including fake skin pouch) I got a wonderful welcome.
"Hi Lucky Tiger! How *are* you today? Great! Come right this way, the nurse is waiting for you. Oh, how about that lottery winner on the news, huh?"
I left with lovely patterned bags of drugs, confidence and a free bottle of water.
They said 'Let us know when your period starts so we can update our records and arrange for egg collection."
So, the first business day of my period I called them to let them know, but spent nearly all of my tea break on hold. I managed to get through to the receptionist but she said a nurse would have to speak to me. That's fine and dandy, but I have to get back to work.

They said they'd get someone to call me back and I asked if it would be okay if they called me at 11:00 am, my next break so I'd be available. Sure! They said. I go back to work, where mobiles are verboten.
On my next break, I turn my phone on, and I have a missed call and a voicemail, timed about ten minutes after I spoke to the receptionist at 9:30 am. The voicemail just said 'Hi... you called. Call us back.' Which grinds my gears because I've just wasted my phone dimes calling my voicemail box when they didn't need to leave a message and I'd told them I wouldn't be able to take a call.
So not only is it a waste of their time when they coujld be calling someone else or working on whatever they do on Monday's, it also means I have to call back, further wasting my dime. So I call back and the receptionist is like "Oh, did they call you on time?"
Obviously not, if I'm calling you back at the time I asked for a call back in the first place but whatever. She gets a nurse and they're like oh, you didn't actually need to tell us this directly but sure when was it it anyway?"
I'm normally pretty chill in real life, despite my many, lengthy rants on this blog hahaha, but when I feel like I'm a) given the wrong information, b) given the run around and c) cost money for this cock up when d) I'm on the crimson tide and e) wasting my entire lunch time following this up.. yeah. I get a bit cranky.
Icing on the cake is when I called my specialist's office to let them know and to book in the scan, and as I was asking a question about it, I got hung up on. Now this, I am sure was an accident because this receptionist knows me and has always been nice and seriously doubt that she would hang up on me intentionally. Still, that's another return phone call I had to make though.
So while there has been a vast improvement in their dealing with me, it's still disappointing to get the wrong information about these kinds of things. I mean, if you aren't sure yourself, check with your manager before you discuss with with the client. There's no need to waste by my time and your own, and definitely no benefit to either of us if my stress levels go through the roof. Fortunately, this isn't a major stuff up yet but suffice to say, I'm spending enough money and time on this thing that the least these people can do is make sure I'm getting the right information.
And again, stress. They say don't stress, but then they do things like this and it doesn't help.
It's like when I went for a regular pap smear the other day and the nurse tells me to relax... and then starts talking about the friggin' Manchester terror attack. How is that going to help?!
"Hi Lucky Tiger! How *are* you today? Great! Come right this way, the nurse is waiting for you. Oh, how about that lottery winner on the news, huh?"
I left with lovely patterned bags of drugs, confidence and a free bottle of water.
They said 'Let us know when your period starts so we can update our records and arrange for egg collection."
So, the first business day of my period I called them to let them know, but spent nearly all of my tea break on hold. I managed to get through to the receptionist but she said a nurse would have to speak to me. That's fine and dandy, but I have to get back to work.

They said they'd get someone to call me back and I asked if it would be okay if they called me at 11:00 am, my next break so I'd be available. Sure! They said. I go back to work, where mobiles are verboten.
On my next break, I turn my phone on, and I have a missed call and a voicemail, timed about ten minutes after I spoke to the receptionist at 9:30 am. The voicemail just said 'Hi... you called. Call us back.' Which grinds my gears because I've just wasted my phone dimes calling my voicemail box when they didn't need to leave a message and I'd told them I wouldn't be able to take a call.
So not only is it a waste of their time when they coujld be calling someone else or working on whatever they do on Monday's, it also means I have to call back, further wasting my dime. So I call back and the receptionist is like "Oh, did they call you on time?"
Obviously not, if I'm calling you back at the time I asked for a call back in the first place but whatever. She gets a nurse and they're like oh, you didn't actually need to tell us this directly but sure when was it it anyway?"
I'm normally pretty chill in real life, despite my many, lengthy rants on this blog hahaha, but when I feel like I'm a) given the wrong information, b) given the run around and c) cost money for this cock up when d) I'm on the crimson tide and e) wasting my entire lunch time following this up.. yeah. I get a bit cranky.
Icing on the cake is when I called my specialist's office to let them know and to book in the scan, and as I was asking a question about it, I got hung up on. Now this, I am sure was an accident because this receptionist knows me and has always been nice and seriously doubt that she would hang up on me intentionally. Still, that's another return phone call I had to make though.
So while there has been a vast improvement in their dealing with me, it's still disappointing to get the wrong information about these kinds of things. I mean, if you aren't sure yourself, check with your manager before you discuss with with the client. There's no need to waste by my time and your own, and definitely no benefit to either of us if my stress levels go through the roof. Fortunately, this isn't a major stuff up yet but suffice to say, I'm spending enough money and time on this thing that the least these people can do is make sure I'm getting the right information.
And again, stress. They say don't stress, but then they do things like this and it doesn't help.
It's like when I went for a regular pap smear the other day and the nurse tells me to relax... and then starts talking about the friggin' Manchester terror attack. How is that going to help?!
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