Saturday, February 11, 2017

Social Hurdles or How I learned to resist the urge to punch people*

My husband and I are fairly private people. We're not snobs, we'll talk to you at parties and work, we'll be nice and engaging and we'll be your friend but we're pretty respectful of each other's privacy and we sure don't like to bombard others with TMI.

In regards to pregnancy, we've only really discussed our current situation with another couple - a mutual bunch of friends we've had since high school. They went through a similar situation and they're in a position to offer advice and support. It's also been briefly discussed with parents, naturally.

That said, there are a bunch of people who just don't get that people are not always willing to discuss personal matters (like my vagina, for instance) and some don't even realise they've crossed a line.

What do I mean by this? Well, one reason we've kept this on the down low is because people harass us enough about having kids without us talking about it or bringing it up at all, and we figure if we flat out say that we're trying it's going to be a PR nightmare because I will be forced to wail on some people, I swear.

There is a definite difference between someone casually asking "are you considering children?" and someone hounding us. I mean, it's a fair question. We're a sexually mature (if somewhat childish otherwise) married, hetero-sexual couple.

The problem is people who hear "maybe in the future" and then decide to ask more questions.

"Why not now? Do you hate kids? Have you tried already?"
A) None of your business.
B) Unless you're a paranoid kid who thinks I'm going to hurt them, none of your business.
C) None of your business!

Then there are the family members who flat out tell us to have kids. It's gotten to the point where sometimes we don't even bother to talk to these guys because it's all they want to talk about.
They've done their duty, now it's our turn apparently!
Well, we never told you to have kids, we just supported your numerous choices.
When we've told them to leave the subject alone, they start posting things on Facebook about people who can't have kids and that it's okay, and we should all respect their situation and not assume things.
Which sounds good in theory but then when we talk to them next it's right back onto "when are you having kids??"

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Fame babies and the Second Coming in Board Meetings

I just had to re-blog this.

I always chose physical pain over embarrassment or awkwardness. I could envision myself at some point in the future, giving birth during a board meeting and not telling anyone until the baby was sitting upright in a chair next to me and I had slyly wiped the sweat from my brow.

- From XOJANE author Emma

That made me laugh out loud!

It's something I could see myself doing (or maybe writing a comic about) and it's so refreshing in this world of bump fever. 

Seriously. I don't read 'women's magazines' but it's hard not to be aware of the crazy media frenzy when they even suspect someone's hiding a bump. I mean, damn, can they not just wear a baggy shirt or jumper every now and then? 

Yay - another celebrity is pregnant.... here's a 20 page magazine spread that looks like it was done by a college art student high on a variety of substances and not being paid enough to care what they're doing. 

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

MRI? My MRI? My MRI through MRI own eyes

To make sure we were definitely on the right track and to rule out other deviants like certain hormones being possibly blocked... I was sent for an MRI.

I didn't really know what to expect because all you hear is bad noise about MRI's.
That's also a pun about the process because basically all MRI's do is make noise. And I guess, as a secondary function, scan you for stuff.

Anyway, here I am lying on this surprisingly comfy bed, they give me a pillow for under my knees (Comfort? Abundance of pillows? Decor?) so that's nice. As well as that, there;s ear plugs and some over ear headphones to listen to the radio with in a futile attempt to drown out the machines....or possibly to placate me? Then they sort of ruin it by giving me a Hannibal Lecter headpiece which I'm sure even my attractive face couldn't make work.


Hi there and welcome to my blog!

This one is going to be about my own personal journey about getting up the duff, hopefully.

Why do I feel like I need to document this?

First of all - I have feelings about things that must be let out, secondly, if all goes well, this could be nice to come back and reflect on, thirdly, I'm fed up with other articles and other sources giving information that doesn't assist me - by writing what i'm learning, it may help someone else in my position later on.

So, when I was young I had an affinity for the chiddlin's... I was always looking after them and they liked playing with me and I naturally assumed I'd pop out a few because I happen to be a woman. Of course, you grow up and because I wasn't hanging out with brats in diapers so often, I became fearful of them. What if something went wrong and I was left holding the stinky diaper bag? (Which, in itself is both a definition of something going wrong and an appropriate metaphor!)